WOD a friend

It is for you and your friend who is not (yet) part of the community. Take your friend under your arm and try a class together that guarantees sweat on your forehead and smiles on your face.

Everyone has that friend – the friend who curiously and with awe in his voice asks about your training in Arca and that WOD. Now you can take that friend to a WOD(!), and show what Arca is and stands for. It may also be that you are that friend and have found your way to our website, even if you are not a member. Now you can go along to a WOD and discover what Arca is and stands for.

We call our classes a WOD. What does this abbreviation mean, you might be thinking? And should it be pronounced as ‘tree’ in English or ‘wet’ in North Jutland? It stands for Workout Of The Day, and you can pronounce it however you want! One of our wonderful instructors (yes, that’s all of them) will guide you through a WOD that guarantees sweat on your forehead and smiles on your face. For us, training is playtime where we discover everything the body can do, and together we can feel stronger and healthier – and we like to finish with a high-five at the chalk bucket.

When and where?
– Saturdays at 12.00 PM: Boxen + Trykkeriet + Krydsfeltet
– Sundays at 12.00 PM: Kirken + Klubben + Kogeriet + Fundamentet
Please make sure to double check if the class is being held this week here!